Jimmy Fortune: Hits & Hymns DVD & CD
Released: 2015
Includes: 1 DVD & 1 CD
One of the most recognizable tenor voices in country and gospel music, Statler Brother Jimmy Fortune has recorded some of his most celebrated hits and favorite hymns on this all-new DVD. Featuring an up-close-and-personal interview with Bill Gaither and a full concert performance, Jimmy shares moving stories while showcasing the beloved vocals and heartwarming styles that have made him a musical legend and an American treasure.
In The Sweet By And By
Far Side Banks Of Jordan
I Believe - featuring Dailey & Vincent
Life’s Railway To Heaven
Amazing Grace
Rock Of Ages
More Than A Name On A Wall – featuring Dailey & Vincent
How Great Thou Art
If I Was God
Just A Closer Walk With Thee – featuring Bill Gaither
Danny Boy
Too Much On My Heart
Precious Memories
Victory In Jesus – featuring Bill Gaither